Candid photography helps you rediscover yourself, look at yourself without patterns and outside judgments and opinions about you. It allows you to fall in love with yourself again, to begin to appreciate this person from the photograph and to love him - to love yourself as you are, your photograph cannot lie to you, it cannot deceive you, it can only capture you. After all, in the photo you are, and not someone else, it was you, and then you were able to be so different, unusual, interesting, brave, you could.
And the photograph will remind you that you can, it will support your self-esteem and self-love when no one else will do this so sincerely and honestly.
Your bold, daring, bright photograph needs nothing from you except you, who allowed yourself to be yourself.
Allow yourself not to be afraid of yourself.
If you want no one to see you like this, don’t show this photo to anyone, it will be only yours, for you, this is your personal secret, your secret side. Or start a secret Instagram where your other side will receive support from fans. What will give strength to your personality.